Looking for an unusual guest at your next event?  Julian is an experienced and inspiring public speaker, with a strong track-record in the following areas:

  • Keynote addresses at conferences and corporate awaydays.
  • After-dinner and motivational speeches.
  • Workshops and seminars.
  • Themed team-building events.
  • Tailored training events.

A specialist in the ‘people’ side of intelligence, Julian talks about what companies and individuals can learn from this world to enhance their effectiveness and productivity.  He focuses on leadership, interpersonal skills, motivations and influence.  He also guides organisations on the uses of intelligence in threat and risk management, privacy and security.  He can provide insights into global security matters, geopolitical risk and the realities behind headlines about terrorism, China, Russia and beyond.

Examples of keynote speeches that Julian offers include:

  • Jiu-Jitsu of the Mind:  How Spies Achieve the Unimaginable and How You Can Too”.  This is a motivational talk that focuses on personal-development lessons to be learned from Intelligence Officers’ use of interpersonal skills and human psychology.
  • “The business of spying: lessons from a parallel world”.  Again, this is a motivational talk that examines how businesspeople can think like a spy to grow client-bases and improve inter-cultural communication and understanding.

Examples of workshops led by Julian include:

  • “Influence, persuasion and elicitation workshops”.  Julian hosts workshops for personal and professional development, with an emphasis on how to win people over and forge durable personal partnerships.
  • “How to make an intelligence officer” or “Intelligence Officers are Made, not Bourne”.  This workshop is aimed at team-building and improved communication skills.  It offers a very potted version of some of the training experienced by new entrants to global intelligence services.

Examples of after-dinner talks offered by Julian include:

  • “The Spy’s Essential Toolkit for Surviving Almost Anything, Almost Anywhere”.  This after-dinner talk is a light-hearted look at the world of spying, with a serious underlying message.
  • “007: Licenced to Manage Risk”.  An alternative after-dinner talk, based on Julian’s experiences of operating in hostile environments.

Examples of Team Building Activities that Julian offers include:

  • EXERCISE REVERSE GEAR: Planning Evacuation from a War Zone
  • EXERCISE FORWARD THRUST: Surveillance and Interception

Julian is also happy to offer his time gratis to give talks at gratis for talks to disadvantaged young people, at schools, colleges, community centres and youth detention facilities.

Julian Fisher, Jules Fisher, writer, Think Like A Spy: Master the Art of Influence and Build Life-Changing Alliances, intelligence specialist, guest speaker, UK

Please contact Julian direct to discuss your specific requirements and to find out more about his availability and fees.

To book Julian, please contact Dave Daniel by email on dave@speakersassociates.com or phone on +44(0)7838 405 793.