Julian Fisher was born in what has been called the poorest postcode in Britain: B16 in inner-city Birmingham. His youth was marred by tragedy, severe emotional challenges and self-inflicted injury. But, while in hospital, conversations with a brave and extraordinary Iranian refugee altered forever his outlook on life. Her story sparked in Julian an ardent determination to strive for academic, personal and professional fulfilment.
He overcame long odds to win a place at Oxford University, where he read PPE. Subsequently, he embarked on a varied career, quickly spurning the financial sector to work for the government in the field of international relations, with postings in East and Southern Africa. Moving back into the private sector, he worked for a global private security company in various challenging locations, before founding his own private intelligence boutique, specialising in Africa. In 2017, he was lead trainer on the Channel 4 series, Spies.
Julian divides his time between the Welsh Borders, South London and Cape Town. But, for him, home is where the hound is.